10 Foods to Avoid for Healthy Teeth

30 Aug
10 Foods to Avoid for Healthy Teeth

10 Foods to Avoid for Healthy Teeth

About one-tenth of the population complains of a toothache. obviously what we eat is very very important. We at Dr Nawale’s DentoCare in Aurangabad, guide you about the best dental care and best oral hygiene at each visit at every time. We can warn you about some of the biggest culprits to make your teeth and gums healthy.

The food you eat can affect your teeth in many ways, like causing wear and tear, discoloration, etc. Many food and beverages can cause plaque buildup. Plaque is a bacteria-filled sticky film that causes gum disease and tooth decay.  After you eat a sugary snack or meal, the sugars cause the bacteria to release acids that attack tooth enamel. This acid has the power to dissolve your tooth enamel and also lead to cavities.

Let us have a look at the list of the foods that are bad for your teeth:


Popcorn is coated with excess salt, butter, and sugar which causes gum and teeth damage. It can lodge between your teeth and promote the growth of bacteria. The crunchy kernels and the sharp hulls can chip your tooth and even cut gums.

Hard Candy

Hard candies stay in the mouth for a long time, delivering that sugary taste. They have no health benefits; instead, they can lead to dental emergencies like cracked teeth and cuts in the mouth.

Citrus Fruits

Don't ever suck on lemons. When you do that, you are bathing your teeth in acid, which is very harmful. Foods high in acid like limes, lemons, and tomatoes can cause tooth decay when eaten alone. Even though they have nutritional value when prepared with a meal, so you can enjoy them, don't forget to rinse your mouth with water after eating them.

Soft Drinks

Syrupy beverages like sodas and sports drinks are very bad for teeth, especially if you sip for a long time. Avoid having diet sodas too, as they just lack sugar, not acidity.


Alcohol can decrease the production of saliva, which causes dry mouth.

Starchy Food 

Starchy foods like potato chips, corn chips, and white bread can get stuck between teeth, feeding bacteria and causing plaque.

Dried Fruits

Dried fruits are considered more nutritious than processed fruit snacks, but they are sticky and also high in sugar. Remember brushing and flossing your teeth after eating them.


Sour Candy

Sour candies contain added substances like citric acid and various types of ingredients that are harsh on teeth. Acidic foods wear away the enamel on your teeth, making them more sensitive to temperature changes and more susceptible to cavities.


Chewing ice causes excessive wear and tear on your teeth. Crunching down on a fresh ice block can harm the enamel on your teeth. It can crack or chip your teeth while eating ice. We’ve even seen crowns become loose due to ice chewing.

Carbonated Drinks

Soda and carbonated drinks are not good for your teeth. The acid in carbonated soft drinks gradually dissolved your tooth enamel. The bacteria in your mouth love sugar, and the byproduct that they discharge is one of the main sources of bad breath. Also, carbonated drinks with dyes in them can stain your teeth.

Pay attention while you’re eating something that could chip your teeth. Remember to drink some water to rinse out sugars and acids. And always brush your teeth and floss after you’ve eaten any of the foods on this list.

If you've chipped teeth, loose fillings, broken crowns, and gum injury due to eating some food call 90 90 970 971 to make an emergency appointment. We at Dr Nawale’s DentoCare in Aurangabad help you to get your damaged tooth fixed and make your gums healthy.

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